We create data use infrastructure for clients in education and industry that allows them to accurately analyze data, with coaching for high confidence decision making, to improve outcomes.


We provide dashboards that analyse data using research-level methods in a user-friendly format. Our dashboards filter out the noise and flag the trends and changes that only have a 5% chance of being noise. Currently, most decisions are made on trends that are not reflective of the real state of things. Flawed data can lead to flawed decisions. Sound data leads to better decisions.


Once you have a statistically valid signal a change is occurring / has occurred, the next step is to interpret the data to understand what elements may have changed, and form a hypothesis. We coach and empower the leaders and teams we work with to identify, isolate and interrogate factors, and create plans to implement and evaluate interventions.


We believe our clients are best placed to understand what works to improve the outcomes that are important to them. But they often haven’t had the tools or training to accurately identify, measure and improve outcomes; to request and direct resourcing; or share best practice widely. Our workshops help organisations to improve by experimentation and iteration, by identifying successful initiatives and sharing and implementing them widely. We help organisations isolate excellence and apply it within a department, and across departments.

When high confidence decisions are based on statistically valid data, magic happens. By concentrating effort where it’s most needed, you can create outsize improvements in outcomes. Our clients are always working hard. By focusing effort where it is truly most needed, and standardising excellence, you can create the most impact, and make meaningful change.